JZero and Sarah's Anime

JZero: Welcome, one and all, to OUR new and improved Anime site! It features some of the most technologically AMAZING stuff in the world today!
Sarah: JZero, you’re a webmistress, not a car salesman!
JZero: Right... sorry! I’m just so excited! This is good stuff people! =) Let us all give Sarah a big round of applause for creating this beautiful page! ::Clapping hands frantically:: YEY!!
Sarah: ::Sweatdrops:: Don’t mention it...Besides, JZero here is STILL the boss, I'm just the simple little graphic maker who sucks at writing and throws out pics once in a while.
JZero: Whatever, Sarah. That’s right people! This place has it all! We’ve got pics, we’ve got fics, fanart and more!
Sarah: Lots of Sailor Mercury!!!
JZero: And plenty of Vegeta!!!
Sarah: And let’s not forget our mascot!
JZero: Oh no, how could we? That’s right, Ryoko’s our page mascot!
Ryoko: That’s right... heheh... now where’s the Tenchi section?
Sarah: Ok, so, if you want anime, this is your place! Oh, and the Anime Downloads section is a direct link to Artistic Anime, our Anime Downloads site, as well as where I post various anime layouts and such.
JZero: Well, hope everyone enjoys!
Sarah: Sailor Mercury RULES!! ...I'm not obsessed, I'm not obsessed...I'm NOT going to waste that 700 bucks I spent seeing a shrink.....
JZero: Yes, yes, Sarah, of course... Much luv to everyone!
JZero, Sarah, Ryoko: That is all!